Wednesday, May 29, 2024

On To Newfoundland

We made onto the rock...Yeah...not without some complications though, we were suppose to leave at 12:30 am Tues, then it got changed to 10:00 am Tues, cool we will get there sooner, when we got to Sydney on Monday we got an email saying it was cancelled due to bad weather, shit, then get an email saying we were rebooked on the 11:45 pm to 6 am boat and we were not guaranteed a pet cabin, shit again, so we get up early on Tues and I looked at our new reservation and we didn`t get a cabin, dam, shit again, so at 8:05 Lori calls them to rebook and the lady says where are you they just decided to go, can you be here within the hour we said yes...holy shit now......we packed up and were on our way in 15 minutes. Get to the bridge going to N. Sydney and there is road work and the cars are lined up behind a flag person, shit, shit, after 10 minutes(felt like an hour) it gets moving, thank god, so we got there in 40 minutes got on the ferry right away and 10 minutes later they left and we had a cabin,.,yippee...on the boat was 13 semi trucks and 3 passenger cars including us, man did we luck out. Then we are about to drive off the ferry and a ferry worker comes over and says that there is a wind storm and to just go up the road a little to a campsite for the night. Apparently there is a stretch of road called Wreckhouse where trucks and trailers get blown over and that was the risk last night. No where in my research did I come across this little ditty. We took his advice which was good cause the winds were 100+km, now we are at Gros Morne Park for 3 days exploring. All part of the adventure..:)

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A Room With A View
They didn't Make Money This Time

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