Thursday, June 6, 2024

Iceberg Boat Trip

 So this is our adventure with the icebergs. We arrive in Quirpon for 4 days as there are icebergs here and the Viking site. It is a little foggy but managed to see 1 iceberg in the harbour. Okay this a good thing….NOT…The next 4 days we have been literally socked in with fog with visibility of maybe 100 feet. As we sit in the trailer we see  the fog lift a bit, so in the truck we go. We get to the harbour and shit the the fog hasn’t lifted here, so back to the trailer. A little while later the fog lifts again, “start the truck, start the truck”. Off we go, get to the harbour and fog the hasn’t lifted, shit again, back home for more bonding. So we decide to see the Viking sites, we could do this in the fog, and it was pretty amazing. Day 3 is still fogged in so we ventured to some small villages in the area. When get back to the camp we asked about staying another day as we want to see the icebergs. A fellow in the office says “ I can take you in my boat $60 a head” ok this sounds good and reasonable, all the others are twice that price. We agree to meet at 10 am at the office and leave from there. No problem. We meet at the office and head to the harbour, the fog is still thick. When we pull up to the dock we don’t really see a tour boat just small 16  to 18 foot boat with a 115hp motor that has seen way better days in its lifetime. Oh oh..We walk into a shack full of fishing and pawning gear (see pics) Bob hands us some life jackets, we put those on and I ask “where’s the boat?’ “Right dare” says Bob pointing to the derelict boat tied up at the dock. really? Shit..So much for the nice zodiac that I thought we would take. We scale down the (pool) ladder to get on the boat, everything is soaking wet. Bob has 1 kleenex and wipes the seats off, as you can imagine that didn’t work that well…my arse was soaking wet…shit..The seats were bungee corded to milk crates that were not attached to the floor of the boat and were a little tippy, so” hang on to sumtin” says Bob..As we pulled out of the harbour we are little nervous as the fog is so thick, Bob pulls out a mickey of moonshine says “ere, ya gotta have a snort of dis to see da icebergs” ok bottoms up, apparently you never say no to a Newfoundlander, and yes it burnt the whole way down and tasted like turpentine, then off we go. Thank god the water was reasonably calm, ok a little choppy and it stopped raining. We did find a few icebergs and they were so awesome to see up close. While circling one iceberg there was very loud cracking sound, shit, I thought the boat was breaking in half and was ready to bail, Bob looks over and says “what ta madder? It’s just the iceberg crackin” Phew…Bob then says “dat one dare rolled over last night, day do dat ya know” After an hour Bob says “tats all folks no udders ere” and we head back to the dock….Phew…All in all in was very uneventful, we got to see the bergs up close, we didn’t sink, back at the dock safely…Glad we did it, it was epic....All part of the adventure…

Click On Pics To Enlarge

                                           This Is What They Call A Bergy Bit

These Are Other Peoples Iceberg Pics

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Cooks Harbour & Raleigh

 Took A Drive As The Fog Is So Thick We Couldn`t Hunt For Icebergs

It Had To Be The Worst Road We Have Driven. But Again Part Of The Adventure

Click On Pics To Enlarge

The Sign Below The Speed Says "If You Dare"
The Road Effing Horrible

Old Church

Abandoned On The Side Of The Highway

An Old Rotting Sled

Norstead. Another Viking Site


Click On Pics To Enlarge